What you bring to the team

🫱🏼‍🫲🏻 Specialized in your field (preferably interior-design), yet versatile

🔋 High energy level & in the flow with life

🎨 Combine style with aesthetics and harmony

👱🏽‍♀️ Empathetic towards customers and the market

💯 Passionate & able to commit 100%

🍃 Flexible & free with time and energy

preferably female (8/10 product-user are women); aged between 25 - 35; you fit our target audience in terms of mindset and personality.
You have strengths in...
  • design and visuals
  • pushing and getting things done
  • structuring and strategic thinking
You already have...
  • founded a company
  • worked as fulltime employee
  • lead fulltime employees

What awaits you

⚠️ Raising awareness for a problem that's the leading cause of dissatisfaction (according to the Quality of Life Study in Vienna 2018) – the absence of private outdoor space.

🎯 Dive even deeper into our target customers and design a new furniture for freedome

🪁 Contribute in any way you believe you can to bring this company forward and create more space for those who need it.

What we offer you

Even though our founding idea is already three years old, we're still in the early stages. This is your chance to unleash your full potential and showcase something beautiful: a solution that creates more space for positive feelings - in every urban household.

Begin now and become part of something with the potential to improve the living conditions of millions!

About our project

🪟 creating value in every window: foldable, safe & easy to use. The solution for everybody without a balcony!

We are looking to expand our team of five for a female co-founder:

our customers are 80% women - and we want more of that energy in our core-team.

create awareness for a product, that's so new that nobody even knows that there is a solution for the need they all feel.

Target group
Focus on the five biggest cities in Europe.

B2C: Urban creatives seeking serenity
Mostly urban females, aged 30-55, who lead a mindful and creative lifestyle. They prioritize sustainability and tranquility, and in principal lack personal outdoor spaces like balconies or gardens.

B2B: Partners in real estate, housing-associations, hotel industrie, retailer etc.


Linz Region
40h / week worktime
tbd, typical founder salary salary
0-25% Shares
12 / 2023 Startdate
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