What you bring to the team

Experience in developing food products, creating delicious recipes, knowing the legal and regulatory boundaries, experience with co-producers or production ideal
You have strengths in...
  • organizing and keeping stuff tidy
  • pushing and getting things done
You already have...
  • worked as fulltime employee

What awaits you

Develop, test and finalize recipes, regulatory and quality management

What we offer you

Home Office, flexible hours, family-friendly

About our project

I want to make food upcycling attractive and relevant for consumers by offering a n irresistibly yummy and cool product containing upcycled ingredients.

I am looking for a Food Scientist/Technologist with a passion and skills in baking as my Co-Founder.

1. Developing the first prototypes for the starting range of products.
2. Finding the right production partners.
3. Bringing the product to the market.

Target group
Everyone who loves convenient bakery products and pays attention to conscious consumption.


Co-Founder in the area of Product wanted as Other
KA salary
KA Shares
from immediately Startdate
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