Startup Supporters

These companies, freelancers and institutions work together with startups and founders and support your business in the early stages. Add your company


MENTORING BERLIN Service Providers

Strategie-Mentoring für Gründer*innen zu den Themen Mindset, Funding, Vertrieb, Kommunikation und Leadership. Sales & Distribution Design & Creative Services Consulting & Coaching
SIL Löwenberg

SIL Löwenberg Accelerators/Incubators

Wir bieten Startups Co-Working & Co-Living, gratis bis Break-Event, inkl. Unternehmer-Coaching auf Schloss Löwenberg in Schluein (bei Laax, Graubünden, Schweiz) Office & Coworking
Next Commerce Acclerator (NCA)

Next Commerce Acclerator (NCA) Investors

NCA offers a startup acceleration program. We are an early-stage investment fund that empowers founders to succeed. Grants & Programs
Agentur Schleinzer

Agentur Schleinzer Service Providers

Als staatlich zertifizierte Agentur mit 35 Jahren Erfahrungen in der Finanz- und Immobilienbranche bieten wir Know-How, Kooperationen und Seed Financing. Sales & Distribution
ARTIS selling Group Ltd.

ARTIS selling Group Ltd. Service Providers

Marketing & Business Solutions - Agency offering Marketing & Business Development Services in a funding program. Marketing & Reach
Founder Insitute Inc.

Founder Insitute Inc. Accelerators/Incubators

The Founder Institute is the world's largest pre-seed startup accelerator, having helped launch over 5,000 companies across 200+ cities. Grants & Programs

CodeCooperation Service Providers

Sucht Ihr einen CTO oder Softwareentwickler für die Umsetzung Eurer Ideen? Dann gute Nachricht; Ihr seid am Ziel! Technology & Development
Green Alley Award

Green Alley Award Medium Enterprises

CIRCULAR ECONOMY ALL THE WAY - We want to eliminate waste and minimize pressure on natural resources and ecosystems. Contests & Challenges
EIT Climate-KIC | The EU's main climate innovation initiative

EIT Climate-KIC | The EU's main climate innovation initiative Government/Municipality

Climate-KIC - We are Europe’s leading climate innovation initiative Grants & Programs
UnternehmerTUM - Zentrum für Gründung und Innovation

UnternehmerTUM - Zentrum für Gründung und Innovation Non-Profits/Association

Als größtes Zentrum für Gründung und Innovation in Europa bringen wir Menschen zusammen, die bleibenden Wert schaffen. Grants & Programs
hub:raum - Tech Incubator of Deutsche Telekom

hub:raum - Tech Incubator of Deutsche Telekom Accelerators/Incubators

Our Incubator program supports you with seed financing, mentoring, co-working and corporate leverage to build and launch your product. Grants & Programs
SevenVentures GmbH

SevenVentures GmbH Investors

Your Growth is our Business. Wir sind der führende TV-Media Investor weltweit. Grants & Programs
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