Startup Supporters

These companies, freelancers and institutions work together with startups and founders and support your business in the early stages. Add your company

Milfight Ventures

Milfight Ventures Freelancers

Story so far: Sales & Distribution Marketing & Reach HR & Recruiting Investment & Shares Consulting & Coaching Startup Tools
Hope Khoury

Hope Khoury Accelerators/Incubators

Experienced COO & co-founder, here to empower startups with strategic insights and operational guidance. Let’s turn visions into success. Production & Manufacturing Sales & Distribution Marketing & Reach Design & Creative Services Consulting & Coaching

DeinStartup.Coach Freelancers

Hands-On Unterstützung für Gründer*Innen beim Aufbau ihrer Firma - von der Monetarisierung über professionelles Fundraising bis zum Invest Sales & Distribution Finance & Controlling Investment & Shares Consulting & Coaching Startup Tools
Fantaclaus Technologies Private Limited

Fantaclaus Technologies Private Limited Service Providers

Team of AI/ML experts. Over 30 years experience between the founders in area of algorithms and Machine Learning. We offer 'Chief AI officer' Technology & Development
BT Ventures

BT Ventures Service Providers

Scaling and digitalization in a sustainable way - we know how to do it. That's why we support you and your company in your growth plans. Sales & Distribution Marketing & Reach Investment & Shares Consulting & Coaching Startup Tools
Gurzu Inc

Gurzu Inc Service Providers

Gurzu is a software outsourcing service company, specializing in helping businesses to stay competitive in today’s digital landscape. Technology & Development Marketing & Reach Design & Creative Services
elwis management GmbH

elwis management GmbH Service Providers

Unterstützung für Startups und Unternehmen Sales & Distribution Finance & Controlling Consulting & Coaching

reteach Service Providers

Lernplattform für edtech Projekte Technology & Development
Visavis Ventures

Visavis Ventures Service Providers

Wir unterstützen Startups beim Bau eurer Web/App Projekte als CoFounder, entweder als reine Agentur zu wirklich fairen Startup-Preisen oder über Code4Equity. Technology & Development
Next Commerce Acclerator (NCA)

Next Commerce Acclerator (NCA) Investors

NCA offers a startup acceleration program. We are an early-stage investment fund that empowers founders to succeed. Grants & Programs
Marcel Rupprecht

Marcel Rupprecht Service Providers

Full-Stack Software-Entwicklung + "CTO as a Service" von SaaS und Cloud für etwa 12€/h (Rechnungsstellung möglich) und wenige Anteile. Technology & Development
Pioniergeist GmbH

Pioniergeist GmbH Service Providers

Pioniergeist orchestriert ein Innovationsökosystem bestehend aus Startups, Corporates, Universitäten und Investoren in Baden-Würtemberg. Consulting & Coaching
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