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Entrepreneur Talent Coaching

What role fits best and how best apply these talents. Builder Talents include: Confidence, Delegator, Determination, Disruptor, Independence, Knowledge, Profitability, Relationship, Risk and Selling.
Coachees get to understand their ideal builder role - either Rainmaker, Conductor or Expert.
I work with Founder Teams to guide on team composition focusing on their talents.

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Whether you need a hybrid cloud solution, migration from on-premise or from one cloud to another, I will guide you through the cloud journey

Wir sind Ihr starker Partner wenn es um Marketing, Kontakte , Netzwerken oder um Verkauf und Vertrieb geht.
VICTORIA Incubator

OPEN CALL - Wir suchen GründerIinnen mit Geschäftsideen in der Veranstaltungsbranche, die sich am Smart City Event Incubator beteiligen möchten.