My vision is to build up a game development company that focuses on designing great games. A company that valuates all employees and pays them fairly.



What we offer

Hey everyone,

I am offering the opportunity for anyone interested to start a game development company with me. Based in Germany but open to the world. I do not believe in national borders.
I am an intelligent and very open minded person with a strong idealistic foundation. I studied Psychology and excel in understanding people and their needs. Additionally, i am very analytical which is very beneficial in my opinion to start a project like this.
I am not that good in writing texts about myself, so better let us get to know in person.

Target group

I am looking for a co-founder that has experiences in programming and game development.
Personality wise you should not be focused on getting rich, be friendly and open minded, being able to accept own mistakes and always up for self-improvement.


Finding a co-founder
Finding investors
Hiring employees
Developing a game
Make successful marketing
and many more...

Our Story

The story is quite simple. I am tired of working for other people that make questionable decisions and put wrong people in leadership positions that results in a lot of employees having miserable working experiences. I want to create a place that has a good working atmosphere for real, in which employees feel safe to express their opinions and critics. I want a company that pays everyone accurately and not based on an artificial hierarchy resulting in injustice. In the end all workers in a company are responsible for the success and should therefore profit should be shared more equally.
As i am passionate about games and game design myself, i think this is the best way for me to start something on my own. I lack any skills of programming though which is why I need you as a co-founder. There are a lot of areas i can manage but I need someone with good know-how to manage the actual coding etc.