Paving the way for the first-ever mass-produced humanoid robot, designed to elevate industry and daily life alike.



What we offer

At Hammer, we offer the unique opportunity to join a trailblazing journey in one of the most innovative fields of the future - humanoid robotics. As pioneers at the forefront of human - robot collaboration, we offer:

- The chance to be part of a game-changing startup, shaping the future of technology and society.
- A vibrant, creative, and forward-thinking environment where your ideas can turn into reality.
- Access to cutting-edge technology and the possibility to work on projects that push the boundaries of robotics and AI.
- A supportive and diverse community of experts passionate about driving innovation in robotics.
- Equity options providing a vested interest in the company's long term success and growth.
- A highly competitive compensation package, paired with proper benefits, ensuring that you are supported both professionally and personally.
- Personal development opportunities within a growing industry, including networking, mentorships, and collaboration with leading figures in AI and robotics.
- Flexibility and autonomy in your role, encouraging a culture of ownership and proactive problem-solving.

Target group

Right now, we're setting our sights on spaces like warehouses and airports. Picture a busy cargo bay or a bustling terminal – places where things need to move fast and without mistakes. That's where we come in. We're designing our robots to handle tasks like moving packages and stacking heavy luggage because we know how important it is to keep things running smoothly.

But that's just the beginning. As we grow and our robots get even smarter, we're going to branch out to help build homes, make factories hum, and even assist around the house. We're crafting robotics for businesses that want to work smarter and harder – those that aim to trim down errors, time, and costs, and who are as excited about safety and teaming up with robots as we are.

This is for the forward-thinkers, the innovators, the dreamers, and the doers who see robots not as replacements, but as partners in making our world work better. Whether it's helping hands in construction, precision and endurance in manufacturing, or an extra set of skills for the services that keep our homes ticking, Hammer is there. We're not just building robots; we're crafting a whole new way to collaborate and create.


Looking ahead, I see a mountain we're about to climb at Hammer. It's not just any mountain, though. It's one that's never been scaled before, because what we're trying to reach is truly extraordinary. But before we get to the top, there are some pretty big rocks to turn over and paths to pave.

The first challenge? I'm on the lookout for a squad of trailblazers, a founding team that's not just talented but also shares the same heartbeat for this dream. We're going to need people who can catch a glimpse of the future and want to roll up their sleeves to make it happen.

Next up, we’re talking money – it's all about getting the seed funding. This isn’t just about cash; it's about belief - getting investors to believe in our vision as much as we do. That's how we turn our ideas into something we can actually touch and feel - a real, working prototype.

Now, prototypes are great, but they’ve got to work outside of the lab, too. This is where it gets hands-on. We'll be putting our robots into test runs, maybe at an airport or a warehouse, refining and tweaking until they're ready for the spotlight.

Then comes the big-league. Right after those initial tests, we need to prep for Series A funding. This isn't just about keeping the lights on - it's about shining bright enough to light up the path for the next part of our journey.

And just when you thought the hardest part was over, we've got to start thinking bigger - mass production. That's a whole new adventure in itself, figuring out how to make lots of these robots efficiently without losing what makes each one special.

But you know what? These challenges don't scare us. They are the steps we need to take to change the world - one robot at a time.

Our Story

I remember sitting wide-eyed in front of a TV screen, watching robots in Star Wars and thinking, "One day, these could be real." It was this simple, childlike wonder that set me on a path that feels like it's straight out of a storybook, an adventure toward creating robots that exist not just in imagination, but in our everyday lives.

I dove into computer science, amazed by what could be achieved with code and machines. Later, I found myself at the heart of an AI startup working on drone technology, and it was like watching a piece of the future take flight. After some twists and turns, I even started and sold my own tech business. These experiences taught me what it takes to bring a vision to life.

Right now, at Hammer, we're at the beginning of a new chapter; I'm looking for a team of brilliant minds who share my dream. Together, we're going to bring robots out of the realm of science fiction and into our workplaces and homes. We're on the lookout for people who are as fascinated by the potential of robotics as I am and who want to join the ground floor of something monumental.

We're not the first to venture into robotics, technology has been on this path for a while now. But we're unique because we're not waiting for the future to come to us; we're reaching out to meet it. We don't have all the answers, or even all the technology yet, but that's exactly what drives us. It’s an opportunity to invent, to craft those very technologies that will differentiate Hammer.

This is the road ahead of us. It's uncharted and thrilling, full of potential, and waiting for the right team to map it out.

Join me, and let's create tomorrow today - one robot at a time.
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