We create a community, an unblemished picture of the world of art regionally and national, lift up young & talented people and take them on board.
What we offer
Our StartUp offers aims to provide a purposeful environment, which allows us to recreate the world of art.
Target group
• People looking for inspiration
• People looking for uplift
• People looking to be heard
• App Development
• Legal Questions: IP
Our Story
As the saying goes: A picture says more than a thousand words ever could. The most intricate and convoluted occurences of human social interaction, be it private or in regards to society as a whole, can never be communicated in a more suitable way, than by art. To give young artists a voice, which pour their heart and soul into their work, thereby describing the world in a way no one has ever thought of before. A way everybody would understand but does not know how to express it. Most of these brilliant minds go unheard in our current time. To bring this to a halt, we propose a platform that enables the birth of a community, but also allows young artists to shine in a democratic environment and more.