Open positions

• Aufgrund der inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte der Aufgaben solltest du über ein fundiertes und
tiefes Marketingwissen (z.b.BWL-Studium) verfügen – je internationaler, desto besser.

• Sehr wünschenswert wäre es, aber kein muss, wenn Du bereits Praxis-Erfahrung, idealerweise im Start-up Umfeld mitbringst. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob du diese Erfahrungen vor, während oder nach dem Studium gesammelt hast.

• Besonders würden wir uns freuen, wenn du ein gutes Netzwerk mitbringst. Wichtig ist für uns nicht, dass man alles kann. Wichtiger ist für uns, dass man jemanden kennt, der einem weiterhilft – verbunden mit dem Anspruch, selbst täglich zuzuhören und zu lernen.
Your tasks and challenges

• As a member of the leadership team, you are the head of the IT architecture of the Qonda platform. Based on customer requirements and in close coordination with marketing and sales, you are responsible for the technological expansion and further development of the platform. In addition, you will take a leading role in the optimal design and implementation.

• Your tasks also include the sustainable development and management of an adequate de-veloper team and the cloud infrastructure required for operation, supported by external part-ners. The perfect integration of these disciplines should be your focus.

• Innovations are an important success factor for us. That is why we expect you to keep an eye on market trends at all times and to continuously incorporate them into product develop-ment. Driver technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning play a particu-larly important role for us.

• In addition to the destination, the path is crucial for our journey. For this reason, we need your expertise and experience in project management, ideally in a complex and agile envi-ronment. Our guiding principle here is "managing complexity".

• With your confident, goal- and practice-oriented mindset, you can inspire and enthuse your team. In addition, you are able to translate complex issues and concepts for different stake-holders in a comprehensible way and to win strong multipliers.

• You think and act with a long-term perspective, derived from Qonda's vision and a deep understanding of the company's current and future customer needs and markets.

• A feedback culture is a lived practice for you and you regularly reflect on your working meth-ods as well as those of your team in order to keep an eye on continuous, joint improvement. In addition, creative methods for product development are an integral part of your open way of working.

• You have a talent for understanding and successively empowering your colleagues in your leadership role of a distributed leadership model to act independently and entrepreneurially.

Technical Skills
• Deep understanding of software development lifecycle and software architecture

• Understanding of the technologies required to build state-of-the-art video conferencing solu-tions

• Understanding of major cloud computing platforms (AWS, Google cloud, etc.) and the ability to integrate their solutions effectively into current projects
Expertise in NLP, especially ASR, MT, TTS, and Large Language Models.
Experience with language-to-language translation models.
Extensive SDLC experience from design to deployment.
Proficient in Python, C++, Java, TensorFlow, PyTorch.
Ability to develop scalable AI/ML based software.
Knowledge of DevOps/MLOps and technologies like Docker, Kubernetes.