Your search for "Chemistry" resulted in the following hits:

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Chief Science Officer
Chief Science Officer
The vision of the startup will be provided to people who contact me. Co-Founder
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Corey Wright
Corey Wright
I love entrepreneurs. I love doing new things. I love solving problems. I love working in startups. Even though it's f****** hard! Co-Founder
Masoud T.
Masoud T.
Opportunities don't happen. You create them Co-Founder
David Camacho
David Camacho
Personalized Medicine & Organ based reverse ageing Co-Founder
company founding
company founding
gar nicht :) Co-Founder
Anton Weissbach
Anton Weissbach
It's never as difficult as it seems.
Matthew Brian Plutschack
Matthew Brian Plutschack
Supporting, Enabling, Accelerating Discoveries
Michael Löv
Michael Löv
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled." (Plutarch)
Find better ways!
Axel Hentsch
Axel Hentsch
Medizinischer Chemiker der als Entrepreneur in der Pharmabranche mitmischen will Co-Founder
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