Your search for "Leadership" resulted in the following hits:

Innovation & Startup Expert • Venture Consultant • Founder & Executive Sparring
Innovation & Startup Expert • Venture Consultant • Founder & Executive Sparring
tl;dr -> Yoda for corporate transformation. Embrace change, you can. Fear, you must not! Consulting & Coaching
Entscheidungsfindung, Leadership-Training, Coaching, Konzeption & Strategie Consulting & Coaching
Sensitive Leadership
Sensitive Leadership
Entwicklung deines persönlichen Führungsstils. Consulting & Coaching
Salesprofi for rent
Salesprofi for rent
Ich helfe dir dein Produkt an den Menschen zu bringen und die Strategie zu bewerten. Sales & Distribution
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Moez Karoui
Moez Karoui
Innovation Through Adversity Employee Co-Founder
Searching co-founders for AI company with great ecosystem
Klaus A. Grothaus
Klaus A. Grothaus
Mathematiker & Informatiker, Consultant, mit langjähriger Projektmanagement- und Management-Erfahrung , immer interessiert an neuen Ansätzen Co-Founder
Dennis Teichmann
Dennis Teichmann
🔍 Problem solver, tech enthusiast, and passionate creator of working products and portfolios 🔧🚀 Co-Founder
Florian-Michael Adolf
Florian-Michael Adolf
I envision a sustainable future empowered by drones and digital, automation solutions. Employee Co-Founder
Kayrahan Karacan
Kayrahan Karacan
It doesn't matter what you do, but how and why you do. Employee Co-Founder
Levin Reichle
Levin Reichle
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. It's obsession that divides the good from the best. Employee Co-Founder
Ich möchte meine Erfahrung und mein Wissen einsetzen, um einen sinnvollen und nachhaltigen Wandel durch digitale Technologien voranzutreiben. Co-Founder
Harith Al Khafaji
Harith Al Khafaji
Being underestimated is one of the biggest competitive advantages you can have. Co-Founder
Rosanna Rothenberger
Rosanna Rothenberger
NASRIN ist ein aufstrebendes Startup in der Nischenparfumerie – Co-Founder, ich suche dich!
Corey Wright
Corey Wright
I love entrepreneurs. I love doing new things. I love solving problems. I love working in startups. Even though it's f****** hard! Co-Founder
Stefanie Raab
Stefanie Raab
100% dedication for purpose! Employee Co-Founder
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