Your search for "Procurement" resulted in the following hits:

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Co-Founder / CPO / Buying Officer
Co-Founder / CPO / Buying Officer
Wir liefern kreative Bastel- und DIY-Ideen und alles dafür Erforderliche, um sie zu realisieren. Co-Founder
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A nice-to-be-with person, looking for a Co-founder. Co-Founder Mentor
Dream it, Plan it, do it. If it was easy, anybody else would do it. Co-Founder
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. Employee Co-Founder
Mohammad Aljumaa
Mohammad Aljumaa
Ich verfüge über 3 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Unternehmensberatung im Finanzsektor und bin Kreative ( Ich denke gern und oft Out of the box) Zielstrebig und arbeite gern unter Druck.
yahya alsalman
yahya alsalman
Gründer & CEO von TurboBrok
Nancy Gitau
Nancy Gitau
Contribute to a better world and sustainable economies Employee Co-Founder
Anna Mucha
Anna Mucha
Enjoy working Employee Co-Founder
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