Your search for "Customer Care" resulted in the following hits:

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Head of Customer Service
Head of Customer Service
Wir revolutionieren den Funktionsmöbelmarkt Online mit unserem vertikal integrierten Direct 2 Consumer Geschäftsmodell. Employee
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Hanna Willmann
Hanna Willmann
I thrive on leading sales teams, optimizing processes with the power of numbers and working creatively with a get-things-done mentality. Co-Founder
Wake up and take the leap in your life . Change something before it's too late and be loud! Co-Founder Mentor
Alexandra Hoffmann
Alexandra Hoffmann
Never underestimate the power of your team. It is THE essential resource, especially at an early stage. Co-Founder
"Lass mich einen dieser Funken sein, klein und unscheinbar, doch fähig helle Flammen zu entfachen." Employee Co-Founder
I am a passionate foodie, dog lover and sustainable lifestyle enthusiast, who takes pleasure in working with people from varied backgrounds. Employee
Anatolii Uvarov
Anatolii Uvarov
Dream big! Work hard! Never give up!
Eduardo Vidal Blanco
Eduardo Vidal Blanco
Obsessed with making healthcare better Co-Founder Employee
Dr. Irena Nikic-Cemas
Dr. Irena Nikic-Cemas
Beraterin und Coach für Strategisches Marketing & Sales;Expertin für XR und Metaverse Co-Founder
Franziska Noack
Franziska Noack
Lebenslanges Lernen Co-Founder
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