Your search for "Talent Management" resulted in the following hits:

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CTO / Co-Founder with passion for sport & data
CTO / Co-Founder with passion for sport & data
Empowering sport careers. Our goal is to provide athletes with the right tools & information to make the best decision for their career. Transparent and fair! Co-Founder
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Ivana Smith
Ivana Smith
“Inspiring Change, One Step at a Time” Co-Founder
Ragnar Wolff
Ragnar Wolff
Empowering People. Driving Growth. Employee
das Große und Ganze im Blick zu haben und verschiedene, teils ungewohnte Perspektiven zu integrieren, führt oft zu neuen und guten Lösungen Mentor
Righi Rasoa
Righi Rasoa
By leveraging entrepreneurship, I strive to address the challenges of our world and foster positive, sustainable transformation. Co-Founder
Arne Seeburger
Arne Seeburger
Sound in content, strategically logical, and human and sensitive in interaction. Employee Co-Founder
20 Jahre Erfahrung im HR. 15 jährige Erfahrung im internationalen HR Bereich HR, change Management, cultural change und leadership und coaching. Awareness über den Wandel in Unternehmen bezüglich Kultur, Führung und Wertewandel in Unternehmen. Coachingausbildung, Führungserfahrung in internationalen unternehmen.
Leslie-Ann Thometzek
Leslie-Ann Thometzek
Thriving to empower Human Capital and People Management to a new normal. Co-Founder Employee
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