Your search for "Entrepreneurial Spirit" resulted in the following hits:

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Co-Founder / Partner - Sensorik
Co-Founder / Partner - Sensorik
Revisionssichere end-2-end Digitalisierung mobiler und stationärer Flüssigkeitsbehälter; Co-Founder
Late Co-Founder
Late Co-Founder
Wir finanzieren Infrastrukturprojekte weltweit (Eisenbahnstrecken, Häfen, Hospitäler, Wohnsiedlungen, Kraftwerke, Flughäfen), jeweils ab EUR 100 Mio. Employee
CDO(Chief Design Officer)
CDO(Chief Design Officer)
Our Vision is to become the most consumer oriented company for face creme- personalized to customers condition with best price and quality. Co-Founder
Senior Full Stack Developer
Senior Full Stack Developer
We are driven by the strong will, to empower every athlete through the application of innovative technology to make the most out of his or her potential. Employee
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Pragmatic, goal-oriented, passionate in technology. Let's change the world! Co-Founder Mentor
Felix Kaus
Felix Kaus
Ambitionierte Zielsetzung, Selbstständigkeit und Pionierdenken Co-Founder
I'm a visionar person with an entrepreneurial spirit. I like beeing consistent and aware that dreams can become reality with the right team. Co-Founder
Martin S.
Martin S.
Key Account Management, Handelsmarketing, Produktmanagment Food/Non-Food, Netzwerk in Industrie & Handel, Handelserfahrung (B2B)
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