Your search for "Rust" resulted in the following hits:

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Stefan Ellmauthaler
Stefan Ellmauthaler
Symbollic AI, Knowledge Representation and much more Co-Founder
Jonas Engelhardt
Jonas Engelhardt
Not your Keys.. Co-Founder
Daniel Schindler
Daniel Schindler
The only way to go fast, is to go well. - Robert C. Martin Co-Founder
Daniel Hartmann
Daniel Hartmann
Hey, it compiles! Let's ship it! Co-Founder Employee
Tadeo Hepperle
Tadeo Hepperle
The masters failed more times than the novices even tried Co-Founder
Christoph Hess
Christoph Hess
Nerd with social competence. Quick grasp and joy solving problems. Employee
Rinat Shigapov
Rinat Shigapov
Make something people want Co-Founder
Takao Minor
Takao Minor
Always learn and make your dreams come true. Employee
"Die beste Codezeile ist diejenige, die nie geschrieben wurde." Employee Co-Founder
Ivan Greguric Ortolan
Ivan Greguric Ortolan
Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Employee Co-Founder
Christof Spanring
Christof Spanring
Gründen wir gemeinsam ein ethisch/ästhetisch wertvolles, nachhaltiges und herausforderndes Startup mit familienfreundlicher work/life balance! Employee Co-Founder
Jörn Heinemann
Jörn Heinemann
Mitgründer für ein Software/Plattform as a Service Produkt basierend auf einer neuen Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung gesucht. Vorwiegend als COO, CMO Co-Founder
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