Your search for "Presentation Skills" resulted in the following hits:

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Medhat Adel Emam
Medhat Adel Emam
"Driving Growth, Solving Challenges, and Making an Impact" Employee Co-Founder
Changing the world to a sustainable and digital AI-supported future Co-Founder
Valerie Hentschel
Valerie Hentschel
positive impact with UX
Stefan Ellmauthaler
Stefan Ellmauthaler
Symbollic AI, Knowledge Representation and much more Co-Founder
Christina Hollmann
Christina Hollmann
Passionate about pushing new technologies to improve our lives! Co-Founder
Acquisition, Engagement, Retention Employee Co-Founder
Oliviero Pinotti
Oliviero Pinotti
Build something people want.
Andreas Koch
Andreas Koch
Working on success by moving from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm Co-Founder
Irena Todorova
Irena Todorova
Driven by the challenge
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