Your search for "Front-end" resulted in the following hits:

Digital support for startups and companies
Digital support for startups and companies
We will help your business grow and evolve with the help of modern digital solutions. Technology & Development
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CTO (Co-Founder/in)
CTO (Co-Founder/in)
Wir bringen Elektroschrott zurück in den Kreislauf! Auf unserer Plattform gibt es alle Angebote für Verkauf, Reparatur, Spende & Recycling, Co-Founder
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Marius Lux
Marius Lux
Ich bin Gründungsberater an der TUM, habe bisher mit über 150 Start-Ups gearbeitet und bin auf der Suche nach interessanten Ideen, die Unterstützung brauchen. Employee Co-Founder
Philippe Lobo Kung
Philippe Lobo Kung
love to wake early, meet new people, and build fun and profitable things. Employee Co-Founder
Wer wagt kann gewinnen, wer nicht wagt hat schon verloren. Co-Founder
Madalena Malveiro
Madalena Malveiro
The chance to work with The Code Venture, and have your own team of designers and developers to kickstart your startup
Christian Iosif
Christian Iosif
Idk what to put here Co-Founder
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