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Thorsten Seckert Silver Premium Badge
Thorsten Seckert
Der Mensch braucht Brot und Spiele 🤣 Co-Founder
Form from dream.
Prasad devendra chougule
Prasad devendra chougule
Co-found a successful startup Co-Founder
Paul Sheridan
Paul Sheridan
Life is nothing without the people I care about. Co-Founder
Tim Ossenbrink
Tim Ossenbrink
let's do it Employee Co-Founder
Björn Bialon
Björn Bialon
Wir schaffen die allererste One-Stop-Shop-Solution im Commercial Real Estate, die durch die perfekte Symbiose aus On- und Offline keine Wünsche offen lässt. Business Angel Employee Co-Founder Mentor
Kommunikation ist alles - Alles ist Kommunikation. Co-Founder
Jannis Dikeoulias
Jannis Dikeoulias
Turning Visions into Ventures: Empowering Innovation for a Better Tomorrow. Co-Founder
Tom Segbers
Tom Segbers
Decoding life one coffee cup at a time. Employee Co-Founder
Dreamer. Visualizer. Developer. Employee Co-Founder
Reichenecker Benjamin
Reichenecker Benjamin
Trying to fix the user experience with industrial spare parts logistics. Co-Founder
Andy Shackleton
Andy Shackleton
Get *stuff* done! Co-Founder
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