Your search for "Business Planning" resulted in the following hits:

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Wenn jede Minute zählt, helfen wir. Unsere Idee revolutioniert Asset Tracking, ob im Krankenhaus, im Labor oder in der Produktionshalle. Co-Founder
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Johanna Silver Premium Badge
Be kind.
Lee Stone
Lee Stone
Strong commercial acumen, a deal maker, and nimble across a multitude of different domestic and international markets. Employee Co-Founder
Martin Kostadinov
Martin Kostadinov
Curiosity and discipline lead to success
Annette Schoennagel
Annette Schoennagel
Senior Brand Manager for Mini Babybel at Bel Fromagerie. Employee
Mitgründer gesucht (App-Entwicklung, Ernährungswissenschaft, Online-Marketing) - gesundheitsökonomisches Wissen bringe ich mit! Co-Founder
12 years of strategy consulting experience, understanding of all key corporate functions, experience with investor relations. Results-orientation, creativity and pragmatism Employee Co-Founder
Marco Falk
Marco Falk
Beratererfahrung aus dem Verkauf von technologiestarken kleinen und mittleren Firmen, aus der Strategieentwicklung, sowie aus interkulturellen Projekten (v.a. in/mit China). Verfüge über hohe technische Affinität und fundierte Kenntnisse aus den Bereichen Healthcare / Life Sciences.
Erfahrener Gründer & Business Angel mit mehr als 17 Jahren Berufserfahrung in den Bereichen IT, Software, Telecom, Internet & FinTech Business Angel Co-Founder Mentor
Thomas Gorski
Thomas Gorski
10 years of corporate experience @ in marketing, sales and new ventures
Diana Feist
Diana Feist
The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. Co-Founder
Vukasin Markovic
Vukasin Markovic
Passionate, results-driven, entrepreneurial manager with over 8 years of business development across mobile development, communications, sales, and tech marketing experience. Leading the collective of development geniuses, our team is centered around developing and turning your ideas into successful, custom-made mobile solutions with innovative user experience.
Moritz Werner
Moritz Werner
Aus Konstanz. Will mitgründen. Sucht Mitgründer.
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