Your search for "Team Lead" resulted in the following hits:

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Nikita Pletnev
Nikita Pletnev
Empowering Financial Freedom with AI-Driven Insights Co-Founder
Senior Cloud Architect - innovation of enterprises with Capgemini, Microsoft, AWS in automotive++ 🚀 | Focus on scale 📈, leadership, innovation, technology 💡 Co-Founder
Max Böhm
Max Böhm
curious Co-Founder
Ali Nuredini
Ali Nuredini
Empowering innovation through collaboration and visionary leadership Co-Founder Employee
Klara Kattwinkel
Klara Kattwinkel
We are looking for a technical co-founder to complete our team to build a family-centred mental health platform for children and teenagers!
Leonardo Re
Leonardo Re
Gründer von freispace Co-Founder
Discipline, Focus, Resilience Co-Founder
I'll find a way to get it done. Co-Founder
Rakesh Kumar Singh
Rakesh Kumar Singh
Plant and Project engineering: Installation, comissioning,maintenance, automation, continious improvemnent, Capex/Budget, customer and service support. Co-Founder Employee
Chethan Babu
Chethan Babu
Develop a startup with a potential impact using AI Co-Founder
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