Your search for "Development" resulted in the following hits:

CTO as service
CTO as service
With a ton of tech and product experience, I would love to help early-stage ventures build MVP/POC or a scalable tech product. Technology & Development
Free Evaluation
Free Evaluation
As a development studio, we take the time to conduct due diligence and evaluate the software startup & founder potential. Technology & Development
AI Consulting
AI Consulting
Wir helfen Unternehmen, das gesamte Potenzial der künstlichen Intelligenz zu nutzen
Unser Entwicklerteam unterstützt euch beim Ausbau eures Tech-Produktes Technology & Development
IT Staff Augmentation Services
IT Staff Augmentation Services
Right people are the key factor for success! Technology & Development
Ich unterstütze euch bei Entwurf, Design und Implementierung eures Software MVPs
Ich unterstütze euch bei Entwurf, Design und Implementierung eures Software MVPs
Ich übernehme alle nötigen technischen Aufgaben, damit ihr mit dem MVP möglichst schnell durchstarten könnt. Technology & Development
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Adnan Adil
Adnan Adil
Building Impactful solutions
Khaled Ben Ali
Khaled Ben Ali
The Tech Guru Co-Founder
Kayrahan Karacan
Kayrahan Karacan
It doesn't matter what you do, but how and why you do. Employee Co-Founder
Driving Innovation & Excellence: Experienced IT Leader in System Architecture, Blockchain, and Team Management, dedicated to delivering cutting-edge solutions Employee Co-Founder
Tino Demmel
Tino Demmel
See my Consulting Profile @ Co-Founder
Peter Rader
Peter Rader
Grim Co-Founder
Bennet Piecha
Bennet Piecha
Lets ride! Co-Founder
Matthias Bruns
Matthias Bruns
Freelancing Developer focussing on AWS Cloud, Backend und Mobile with Startup, Lead and CTO experience. I am looking for CTO roles. Co-Founder
Begeisterter Problemlöser und treibende Kraft hinter wohrmi
Softwareentwickler mit Hausverstand Employee Co-Founder
Andreas Haken
Andreas Haken
We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. Co-Founder
Tech-Enthusiast. Co-Founder
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