Your search for "Mobile Applications" resulted in the following hits:

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Vladyslav Mykhaniv
Vladyslav Mykhaniv
WeSoftYou created to empower startups from the early to growth stage Employee Co-Founder
Sascha Perkowski
Sascha Perkowski
Technology Officer / Strategical Technical Consultant / Entrepreneur Co-Founder Mentor
Providing software development services in my company - FlairDev. We help IT companies deliver great software through outstaffing and innovative solutions. Employee Co-Founder
Anastasiya Zatyshniak
Anastasiya Zatyshniak
Designing pleasure into user experience Employee Co-Founder
Andre Zayarni
Andre Zayarni
Tech co-founder, engineering and product manager with over 10 years of software development experience. Interested in fintech, legal, prop and health tech. Co-Founder
Ergin Ersoy
Ergin Ersoy
Every challenge is a new land to conqueer Employee Co-Founder
Naruhito Takei
Naruhito Takei
Full-Stack & Blockchain Engineer Co-Founder Employee
Martin Kompan
Martin Kompan
Do or do not. There is no try. Employee
Sanjeevan Naveenthirarajah
Sanjeevan Naveenthirarajah
I develop products - connecting the dots between business, design and analytics.
Zuhaib Rasheed
Zuhaib Rasheed
Empowering Innovation, Transforming Tomorrow Co-Founder
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