Your search for "Softskills" resulted in the following hits:

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Levin Reichle
Levin Reichle
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. It's obsession that divides the good from the best. Employee Co-Founder
Harith Al Khafaji
Harith Al Khafaji
Being underestimated is one of the biggest competitive advantages you can have. Co-Founder
Djamila Djibril
Djamila Djibril
Belong anywhere Employee Co-Founder
Hanna Wieland
Hanna Wieland
Eine Arbeitswelt im Wandel
Darauf aus zielgerichtet und strukturiert ein Unternehmen mitzugründen. Einvernehmliche Entscheidungen und klare Absprachen sind unumgänglich. Co-Founder
Maurice Brunner
Maurice Brunner
Mindset is key.
Martin Angelov
Martin Angelov
Dot have! Co-Founder Employee
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