Your search for "Business Administration" resulted in the following hits:

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Business development expert
Business development expert
Providing healthy meat snacks from environment friendly source and sustainable growth in the business Co-Founder
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Manuel Rasch
Manuel Rasch
Be the change you wish to see in the world. Co-Founder
Lisa Kreutzer
Lisa Kreutzer
I‘d rather hustle 24/7 than slave 9 to 5. Employee Co-Founder
changing for the better Co-Founder
Was raus muss, muss raus :) Co-Founder
Giulio Sistilli
Giulio Sistilli
Professional with more than 10 years of experience in engineering and project management. Bachelor in engineering and MBA. Co-Founder Mentor
Patrick Rümmele
Patrick Rümmele
Dynamischer, kreativer und ehrgeiziger Kopf der gerne den Weg des Neuen wagt. Co-Founder
David Hamel
David Hamel
Outgoing, motivated, curious, and analytic. Contact me if you need financial advice for Startups, business model design, technology consulting projects. Co-Founder Mentor
Lukas Randig
Lukas Randig
Zwei hochmotivierte Mitgründer, die sich bereits nach Fördermöglichkeiten/Investoren/Accelerators und Inkubatoren umschauen und nurnoch einen weiteren Gründer brauchen um durchzustarten.
Marjan Grabowski
Marjan Grabowski
I am a DevOps Engineer coming from network and server administration, building raw networks and services and doing administration by side. Employee Co-Founder
Gary Dobler
Gary Dobler
Konzepte, Prototypen, Ressourcen, Kapital
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