What you bring to the team

Entwicklung der Web-Applikation inkl. Produktdesign.

What awaits you

EXIST ist bereits genehmigt, die Infrastruktur steht, wir brauchen nur die richtige Man-Power als Ergänzung um alle Pferde/ "birds" auf die Straße zu bringen.

What we offer you

EXIST Gründerstipendium und volle Unternehmensanteile nach Meilenstein-Vesting

About our project

Sell more than just a room

Our product is a web-based ordering application for additional hotel-services during your stay.

Currently we are part of the incubator of Technical University Berlin and starting the business with the EXIST-Funding Program. We are going to start the Pilot-Phase with Berliner Hotels from February'16 on, hereafter extend our client base to whole Germany, Austira and Switzerland.

Target group
service orientated hotels


Co-Founder in the area of Tech wanted as Developer (frontend)
Berlin Region
KA salary
KA Shares
from immediately Startdate
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