What you bring to the team

We are looking for co-owner/s to join us and take charge of our marketing and PR strategies, generating partnerships, and developing the business.

What awaits you

This project has the potential to earn money while doing good. Win-Win

What we offer you

Shares, work with purpose, be part of making a huge positive impact in the world, and have fun

About our project

A social startup for good actions, that makes it fun and easy for everybody to have a positive impact in the world

Co-own a new and innovative startup aim at making a positive impact in the world while having fun :).

We are currently finishing the Mobile app and website ( = the product).
We are looking for experience co-owner/s to join us and take charge of the marketing and PR strategies, generating partnerships, and developing the business

Target group


Co-Founder in the area of Others wanted as Project Manager
Österreich Region
KA salary
KA Shares
from immediately Startdate
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