What you bring to the team

- Circuit design experience (required)
- Electronics experience (required)
- Digital signal processing experience (required)
- Machine learning experience (preferred)
- EEG or BCI technical expertise (preferred)
You have strengths in...
  • numbers, data and logic
  • design and visuals
  • structuring and strategic thinking
You already have...
  • participated in an accelerator/incubator
  • worked as fulltime employee

What awaits you

- Circuit Design
- Digital Signal Processing

What we offer you

- Experience at one of the newest BCI companies in the US
- Early startup equity and decision-making power

About our project

Oneuros seeks to bring innovative ideas in the realms of both hardware and software to consumers and organizations around the world.

Electronics, machine-learning applications, BCIs, and productivity software.

The Decentless One - A mobile scanner with the ability to gather a wide range of environmental data and store it locally including pH, TDS, temperature, humidity, pressure, and more.

- Assembling a team to work on newer prototype ideas.
- Raising R&D grants

Target group
Businesses, organizations, and universities involved in research and testing in environmental science and neurotechnology.


Co-Founder in the area of Product Tech wanted as Data Scientist Engineer
KA salary
KA Shares
from immediately Startdate
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