What you bring to the team

Belief in the idea
Expertise in all necessary technical issues
Project management
Strategic thinking

What awaits you

Ensuring product functionality meets user needs
Sourcing and integrating third-party tools or services
More on that later

What we offer you

Network and business angels
More on that later

About our project

METAWA is a daily assistant for everyone. No more dilemma with, What should I wear today? No more decluttering.

METAWA App is a virtual wardrobe.
A wardrobe management system that offers outfit suggestions, ordering in wardrobes and many other values for users and retailers as well.

MVP development
Pre-Seed- and Seed

Target group
Individuals seeking support and inspiration in daily outfit selection, wanting to organize their wardrobes, and brands looking to offer added value to their customers.


Hamburg Region
KA salary
KA Shares
from immediately Startdate
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