What you bring to the team

You have already created a website for larger projects and can take on all technical tasks.
You have strengths in...
  • numbers, data and logic
  • structuring and strategic thinking
You already have...
  • worked as fulltime employee

What awaits you

Development of an online platform
UI/UX Design

What we offer you

We know the market and want to become the leading international marketing platform for the plastics industry in the near future. We offer shares and complete freedom in the development of the platform and the product.

About our project

Become the leading B2B marketing platform for the plastics industry.

B2B marketing for the plastics industry, directory of companies, industry news and prices, job offers

There are similar regional platforms. Our aim is to build a supra-regional platform.

Target group
All manufacturers, dealers and service providers in the plastics industry.


Shares salary
Yes Shares
12 / 2023 Startdate
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