What you bring to the team

Background in HR
Experience working with HR tools:
- HRIS (Human Resources Information Systems)
- ATS (Applicant Tracking System)

Experience as a user is a must.
Experience working with the data is a plus.

Open and outgoing personality.
Proactive and flexible.
You have strengths in...
  • getting in touch with people
  • networking and business relationships
  • numbers, data and logic

What awaits you

Your job will be to define the product, monitor the development, find initial customers, refine the product based on their feedback and then start marketing and sales to scale up!

What we offer you

We have an experienced inhouse team that already launched other analytics products. We can connect to data sources, build pipelines, manipulate data in databased and create charts, tables etc for the frontend. This now needs to become complemented by a HR expert!

Why a separate tool for HR?
The simple answer is that HR handels sensitive data that cannot be mixed together with "normal" data on invoices and marketing campaigns. Just as HR is its own world within a company, it needs its own analytics system.


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