What you bring to the team

we want to revolutionize Robotics with machines that can interact better with the environment. Developing new technologies opens up new possible applications and markets that we want to address.
A first application is picking fruits in the field.

Ideal but not mandatory would be a CS or Engineering (combined with Management) degree.
Startup-Knowledge (Lean Startup etc.)
Ideally you already made some experience in a startup.
You have strengths in...
  • networking and business relationships
  • numbers, data and logic
  • pushing and getting things done
  • structuring and strategic thinking

What awaits you

The next goals are to create a prototype and a first round of seed investment.
We need a business developer to help build up the business side, securing investment, representing the startup toward different entities, working out marketing and sales strategies, organizing trade fairs, starting with sales, until we get enough invest to hire employees.
As a cofounder you would define your role yourself, depending on your strength.

We would have to find out whether the team is a fit, since we will be spending a lot of time together starting a business. Startup means committing oneself for 4-5 years.
And business angels expect 120% commitment.

What we offer you

Typical Startup situation (flat hierarchies, lean startup management, trial-and-error attitude etc.).
The project has been running for several years, so a lot has already been developed and the prototype is almost finished. We have already successfully completed several grants.
Here you don't have a long lead time and there is less risk than with a newly founded startup. So within the next six months we will know whether it will be successful or not as opposed to usual 2 years of initial uncertainty.
With additional grants we can initially stay afloat and then target a seed investment round within the next six months. Contacts with potential customers and business angels have already been established.

About our project

Join the robot revolution.

Farming fruit pickers

Finding cofounders and securing the first investment round

Target group


45h / week worktime
3000 salary
Yes Shares
12 / 2023 Startdate
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