What you bring to the team

a passionate and resonating attitude with the willingness to learn and grow.
not any professional qualification needed but a good amount of experience and skillset to handle a task.
you require patience and management skills as you might take up the important job of controlling and managing the team if the responsible executive is not around.
You have strengths in...
  • networking and business relationships
  • words and communication
  • design and visuals
  • pushing and getting things done
  • structuring and strategic thinking

What awaits you

1.techcnical assistance
2.strategic mapping of the idea
3.Funktional Prototype
4.logo Design
5.presentations and pitch decks
6.business and execution planning.

About our project

i would wanna create a worldwide transparent community of co-working spaces and people from different backgrounds come together to share ideas and be productive

we offer customers to a pretty diverse amount of co-working spaces that thy can book from our very website for comparatively reasonable price and with few easy steps until you close and save your spot.We offer flexibility of time,place and time saving comes along.

The application
software management
team building
pre-seed and seed.
customer data handling and co-working space contacts and onboarding.

Target group
solo entrepreneurs
corporate sector


Co-Founder in the area of Business Product Marketing wanted as Other
KA salary
KA Shares
from immediately Startdate
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Das Grundprinzip ist die Entwicklung und Forschung und das vermarkten von Patenten oder der verkauf.