What you bring to the team

Wir suchen nach Business Angels, welche sich entweder passiv durch Kapital, oder auch aktiv durch Mentoring/als Sparrings Partner mit einbringen möchten & an den Erfolg von PING glauben.

Aktuelle Funding-Runde: 300k €
Davon bereits erhalten (Convertible): 50k €

Herausforderung: Go-to-Market / Brand Building

What awaits you


What we offer you

- App vollständig entwickelt & gelauncht
- Im Rahmen der ersten zwei Werbekampagnen >1.600 Downloads

Gründer: zwei Brüder (IT / Business)

Wenn du die Idee hinter Ping spannend findest, lass uns gern mal sprechen!

About our project

PING: Offline-Dating App, enables verified users to send connect requests to others in real-life, based on verified selfie & real-time map.

We integrate the benefits of online dating into our users everyday lifes.

Spot others & send connect requests, instead of endless algorithm-based swiping through online-profiles.

Product-market-fit proved (with initial angel invest, 50k €). Actively raising pre-seed (+100k €) in order to acquire larger user base & start generating revenue.


Mentor in the area of Business wanted as Consultant
Hamburg Region
KA salary
KA Shares
from immediately Startdate
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