What you bring to the team

The program with a duration of three months is ideally a pre-founding program. It aims at co-founding a business with Rheingau Founders either in a Junior or Senior Co-Founder role. Within these three months you will deep dive into researching markets/industries and work side-by-side with the members of the Rheingau Team to successfully conceptualize the business and financial model. Thereby, we are open to talk with founding teams at an early stage, about different business ideas or with individuals looking for a Co-Founder.

What we offer you

Immediate responsibility and space for your own ideas
Opportunity to grow your own business with us
Holistic support and guidance by our partners and interns
A stylish office in Berlin’s start-up area Kreuzberg and a friendly team
Deep insight into the German Start-Up environment
Insights into various divisions of existing ventures

About our project

Rheingau Founders is a professional Co-Founder for digital business located in Berlin, Germany. The team around the founding partners Dr. Tobias Johann, Philipp Hartmann and Kai Hansen support their portfolio founders with their extensive knowledge of building and scaling Online and Mobile businesses. Till date, Rheingau portfolio firms have raised more than EUR 130m in follow-on funding, creating more than 500 jobs in the Berlin ecosystem. Most recent highlights from the Rheingau Portfolio include itembase (e-commerce enabling platform), simplesurance (cross & upselling tool for insurances), medlanes (e-health solution) and Service Partner ONE (B2B office management tool).

We’re not just another incubator. Here’s why building your company with us is something special.

It’s your startup, and you stay in control. Rheingau Founders only takes a minority share, so you get to run your business with our input. We always advocate for very founder-friendly terms in all our agreements.

We believe entrepreneurship means true innovation, not just copying what other people are doing. We want to co-found new and as yet unproven ideas – and then prove them together

At our Rheingau Campus in Berlin, our partners are sitting right there with you, ready to give you guidance whenever you need it. You’ll also have 24/7 support at every stage of realizing your company’s vision.

We provide an initial investment of €250k, and once you’re ready we’ll help you secure additional funding. The Rheingau Club will then match this, up to €2.5mn.

Target group
The companies we’ve co-founded so far are mostly B2B-focused digital business models, but we’re open to anything new and exciting, whether you have a team or not. With our Entrepreneur-in-Residence program, we’ll help you to find the right business model to co-found. Even though we always have some good ideas in our pocket, we won’t push you to execute a business you’re not happy with.


Co-Founder in the area of Business wanted as Manager
Berlin Region
KA salary
KA Shares
from immediately Startdate
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