Founder in Surface Technology with unique Solutions - looking for Core Team
Intro / About me

I have been working on my Start Up for the past 3 years, finally the time has arrived to make it big. I am working so intense because through it i have the chance to really make a difference. I can actually make this world a tiny bit better while earning money and that gives me a deep satisfaction. I love what i do - how about you?

45 years
I'm looking for

Searching for fellow Beings in the area of Marketing, Business Development / Sales and Financials / Law to become part of the coreTeam building strong brands with unique Solutions in metal Surface Treatment for B2C ( Fun/ Trendsports ) and B2B (industrial)

I offer

a lot of challenges, experience, interesting topics, insight into many different industries, respectful and tolerant behaviour, enthusiasm, unique solutions in surface treatment

iiMES - innovative industrial Maintenance & Energy Solutions
iiMES - innovative industrial Maintenance & Energy Solutions

iiMES treats surfaces to improve resource efficiency and lifetime of mechanical systems.

B2B B2C Nanotechnology
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