Statt dem Handel Eisblöcke zu liefern, sollte man lieber Kühlschränke für ihn produzieren. Instead of supplying ice blocks to retailers, it would be better to p
Intro / About me

CEO & Founder dasABOmobil ,30+ Years Automotive Experience, Car subscription Plattformentwicklung Automobilhandel Rent | Share | Abo - Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) & Betriebsleiter Autohaus HEINEMANN GmbH

49 years
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strategic partners & investors

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30 ++ years of experience in the automotive sector, Consulting for business

dasABOmobil GmbH
dasABOmobil GmbH

We would like to support the car trade in all future digital topics. We build platforms by dealers for dealers

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