Über uns

We provide Materials Science, Robotics, Electronics and Machine/Computer Vision Services.

Who we are
Simulton is centered around the industries that form the backbone of economies – manufacturing, infrastructure, and automation. Simulton provides a well designed software base that can be used as a common fundament for any application. We empower our customers to transform industries across the globe.

Embedded electronics development is our core competence. Production of of small prototype runs can be handled efficiently & with short delivery times due to in-house assembly capbabilities.

Electronics themselves are rarely enough. PCBs need to be encased to protect them from external factors and to keep humans safe.

With the digital revolution in full gear systems & components become inherently more complex. Custom software tools are necessary to keep solutions user friendly and easy to manage.

Unsere Angebote

Integrationsprojekte oder Kooperationen für Startups und Jungunternehmen

Suchen Startups/Jungunternehmen/Projekte im Industriebereich (Produktion, Entwicklung, Forschung) oder aus dem Bereich Emerging Technologies

Produktion & Fertigung
Folge uns


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