Über uns

I specialize in creating clean UI designs and intuitive UX for AI-driven web applications

I provide expert AI web application development services. This cutting-edge toolkit allows me to create highly efficient, robust, and user-friendly applications. I specialize in integrating AI capabilities powered by industry-leading providers such as OpenAI and Hugging Face, infusing your application with sophisticated features. Trust me to build the future-focused, AI-driven web application your business needs to thrive in the digital era.

Tech Stack:
Typescript, Nextjs, React, Tailwindcss, Nodejs, Vercel, Supabase.

What can I do?
- Support your Front-end team
- Continue developing your app
- Develop MVP
- Consulting: initial call is for free.
- Prototyping

Sample Apps:
https://noorai.io/ (AI-based app)
https://kamous.noorai.io (AI dictionary)
More projects: https://ali-hussein.com/Projects

Unsere Angebote

MVP Development

Bridging the gap between your idea and its market validation with a clean, functional, and user-friendly MVP

Technologie & Entwicklung
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We are fn7, company that helps innovators transform their ideas into market-ready AI Featured MVP's in under 8 weeks.