Über uns

Experienced finance manager in big corporations and also founder of 2 start-ups. I manage a team of full-stack developers abroad!

- I can offer you finance mentorship by identifying KPIs suited for your business and I can also create simple Dashboards so you can keep an eye on them and rather focus on growing your business.
- I am fluent in german / english / spanish so I can offer you translation services.
- I have a team of developers (React, Native, REST, Java ,Git and GitHub) that has helped me to build many Apps.
Reach out to me so I can make an offer to you!

Unsere Angebote

Web/App Development

Do you need someone to help you create your MVP? Need to fix your web o App? I have the solution for you...

Technologie & Entwicklung

I am fluent in german / english / spanish so I can offer you translation services.

Technologie & Entwicklung
Finance Mentorship

Identify your best suited KPIs and create a Dashboard for you to monitor them. I will coach you until you reach your goals if you want!!

Finanzen & Controlling


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Ich suche nach ambitionierten Start-Ups, die Unterstützung im Beschaffungswesen benötigen und sich voll und Ganz auf Ihr Marketing konzentrieren können.

Ziel ist es, die Potenziale von Frauen in der Wirtschaft und am Markt zu mobilisieren und die Chancen zu nutzen, die der Strukturwandel Frauen bietet.
Hope Khoury

Experienced COO & co-founder, here to empower startups with strategic insights and operational guidance. Let’s turn visions into success.