Über uns

Wir sind ein Ing. Büro in München, die sich auf Web Entwicklungen, Mobile Entwicklungen, Advanced Technologien, Cloud Lösungen und Software Tests spezialisiert haben.

Please see our technical capabilities below:
- CMS: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla
- eCommerce Platforms: Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce
- Frontend: Angular.js, Vue.js, React.js, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap
- Backend: PHP, Python, Java, Node.js
- Database: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- Infrastructure: AWS, Nginx, GitLab, Docker
- Android App: Android NDK, Java, Android Studio
- iOS App: Swift, Objective-C, Xcode, iOS SDK
- Cross-Platform App: Ionic, React Native, Cordova, Flutter
- Cloud Services: Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, AWS RDS, Amazon Cloudfront, AWS DynamoDB
- Testing: Cucumber, Protractor, Selenium Web Driver, Appium, Crashlytics, Fabrics, Postman, TestRail, Selenium, JMeter

Coding standards, we follow:
- Code commenting and documenting
- Write readable yet efficient code
- Use authenticated APIs and plugins
- Naming conventions for better readability which further improves understanding and maintenance.
- Avoid hard coding

Security approach, we follow:
- Write secure code following agile development.
- Use authorized APIs.
- Use high-level authentication.
- Apply thorough approach during development and testing stage.
- Saving important data in Keychain and DB with encryption.
- Communicate to server with encrypted request and response.
Coding Standards, we follow:
- Code commenting and documenting
- Write readable yet efficient code
- Use authenticated APIs and plugins
- Naming conventions for better readability which further improves understanding and maintenance.
- Avoid hard coding

Security Approach, we follow:
- Write secure code following agile development.
- Use authorized APIs.
- Use high-level authentication.
- Apply thorough approach during development and testing stage.
- Saving important data in Keychain and DB with encryption.
- Communicate to server with encrypted request and response.

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