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ProSiebenSat1 Accelerator

The ProSiebenSat.1 Accelerator is a leading 3-month program to support start-ups. We provide 500k gross media volume, 25k funding, mentoring, and office space at our offices in Berlin. In addition, we provide start-ups with access to the extensive network of the ProSiebenSat.1 Group – one of the largest media corporations in Europe. Our goal is to get the start-ups in shape and help pitch to investors to secure follow-on funding. We run two batches a year. In each round we select up to five teams to join our Accelerator. The investment package (500k media volume + 25k in cash) will be provided in form of a convertible note valued at 175k.

We do not only invest in media start-ups. We invest across all industries with focus on B2C businesses. Typical industries are: media, entertainment, e-commerce, internet of things, smart home, health, fin-tech. Furthermore we welcome B2B startups from the ad-tech and online video space.

Start-ups applying should have realized some revenues, gained some traction and have a clear understanding of their costumer acquisition strategy to fully benefit from the TV media volume offered.

Acceptance into the program is highly competitive - we accept less than 2% of all applications into the program. Apply here:

further information:

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