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Shopify Store(Website) Development

Here is our process:
1) We’ll start by sending you a questionnaire to get all of the store information we need, like business address, store's email, and legal information. This information will be used to set up a development store.
2) Theme consultation & recommendations. We discuss your requirements and exchange design inspirations to pick the perfect theme to use as a starting point.
3) Homepage design. We set up features like sliders, featured collections, Instagram feeds, featured products, testimonials, and more.
4) Branding. We customize your theme with your brand colors and fonts. If you don't have these, we can pick them. The only thing we can't provide is your logo.
5) Custom design & coding. There are no limits. We may start with a purchased theme, but if you need some pages to have a totally unique design, we can do that with custom theme development.

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