Alle Angebote

Digital support for startups and companies

With the help of a full-fledged team of 50+ experts, we will help you create from A to Z the following things:

☑️ Web apps;
☑️ Mobile apps;
☑️ eCommerce projects;
☑️ SaaS products;
☑️ Corporate websites;
☑️ Landing Pages;
☑️ Marketplaces and booking platforms;
☑️ API development for web integration;
☑️ UX and UI design;
☑️ Business Web Tools;
☑️ CRM systems and Property Management Systems;
☑️ QA testing and automation, CI/CD, Selenium, Appium;
☑️ DevOps;
☑️ and more.

For this, we use (but not limited to) the following technologies:
👉 HTML5, CSS3, LESS/SASS, jQuery, Bootstrap 3/4;
👉 JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue.js;
👉 PHP, Laravel, .Net Core, Node.js, Python, Ruby;
👉 ElasticSearch, CodeIgniter, Strapi;
👉 Swift, React Native, Kotlin, Java, C++, Flutter;
👉 WordPress, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Shopify;
👉 Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, MongoDB, MySQL;
👉 Git, GitHub;
👉 Figma, Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop, Sketch, Adobe XD, Invision, Zeplin, Avacode.

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