Anissa Kaizani-profile-background-image

Anissa Kaizani (sie/ihr)

Sucht Unterstützung
Senior Art Director – Co-Founder Mookki App. Looking for a co-founder for a High-quality design studio
Über mich

After studying Communication Design, I worked as an Art Director in a design studio. For the past three years, I have been working independently in the design field. Totaling seven years of experience.I am now looking for a business partner for the design studio to take on larger projects.

Ich Suche

I’m looking for someone who wants to grow a design agency/studio together. I handle all the creative aspects, but I need a partner to take on the business side

31 Jahre
Mookki GmbH – Ai storyteller App
Mookki GmbH – Ai storyteller App

Our vision for Mookki is to create an educational experience that seamlessly integrates into the everyday lives of families around the globe. We aim for Mookki

Mobile Apps