Solving Real-world Problems with Technology and Products
Über mich

Senior Consultant for AI & Data with experience in digital transformation and intelligent automation. I specialize in creating and implementing digitalization and automation solutions that drive organizational growth and efficiency. I love to solve problems and I am eager to embark on a new venture

Ich Suche

I am looking for a Co-founder / CTO to join the team, who is curios about building and growing a revolutionary product

Ich Biete

100 % commitment


B2B platform that streamlines food supply ordering, enabling the Horeca industry to work more efficiently by digitalizing the ordering process and communication

Automatisierung B2B E-Commerce
Offene Stellen
CTO gesucht für B2B Ordering Platform

Mitgründer:in Entwickler:in (Fullstack) Entwickler:in (Mobile) Business Developer:in
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