"The action distinguishes the goal from the dream!"
Über mich

My name is Patric Betz, I have been working as a developer since 2013 and have been at home in IT for as long as I can remember. (Ex.: IT specialist system integration, IT business analyst, IT process analyst)

36 Jahre
Ich Suche

Chief Technology Officer, Seed Investors, Business Angels

Ich Biete

A startup, which automates the IT project implementation process(es). In under 5 minutes from idea, request to a fully planned IT project or product development cycle. Next step: MVP in under 40 mins.


In less than 5 minutes from request to a fully planned IT project

Automatisierung B2B Enterprise Software
Offene Stellen
Co-founder with the drive to make the "unthinkable" possible gesucht für BestCase, B2B SaaS solution for automating the IT industry

Mitgründer:in Entwickler:in (Fullstack) Business Developer:in Vertriebsmanager:in
SALES PIONEER fuelled by motivation gesucht für BestCase, B2B SaaS solution for automating the IT industry

Mitarbeiter:in Business Developer:in Vertriebsmanager:in
Passionate and visionary MARKETEER gesucht für BestCase, B2B SaaS solution for automating the IT industry

Mitarbeiter:in Marketing Manager:in
Chief Marketing Sales Officer gesucht für B2B SaaS Solution, which automates the MVP development and supports as a company management and collaboration tool

Mitgründer:in Marketing Manager:in Business Developer:in Operations Manager:in
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