Deine Suche nach "Strategy" hat folgende Treffer ergeben:

Expert, Mentor, Coach, Consultant to support challenging projects & businesses
Expert, Mentor, Coach, Consultant to support challenging projects & businesses
Experienced Banker and Manager is offering support as expert, mentor, coach, consultant Consulting & Coaching
Freelancer / project related finance support
Freelancer / project related finance support
Advising freelance support for finance related operations from financial (business) planning to operations and fundraising Finanzen & Controlling
Mentoring: Die ersten Schritte in die Selbständigkeit ... überleben!
Mentoring: Die ersten Schritte in die Selbständigkeit ... überleben!
Erfolg entsteht nicht, indem Du alles richtig machst. Niemand macht alles richtig. Erfolg entsteht, indem Du Rückschläge schnell überwindest Design & Kreativleistungen
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CMO / VP of Sales
CMO / VP of Sales
CEO / Co-Founder for football tech startup
CEO / Co-Founder for football tech startup
Empowering sport careers. Our goal is to provide athletes with the right tools & information to make the best decision for their career. Transparent and fair! Mitgründer:in
We at Cryptar want to become the market leader in digital document issuing. Mitgründer:in
CTO - Electrical Engineer
CTO - Electrical Engineer
We change noise canceling earphones and give everyone a minute of silence. Mitgründer:in
Ich suche passionierte Mitgründer für ein Startup im Gesundheitsbereich, besonders spannend finde ich personalised & preventive healthcare Mitgründer:in
for an innovative idea in the field of food delivery, 3 engineers/PhDs are looking for a co-founder with a marketing/ commercial background. Mitgründer:in
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M Shehroz Sajjad Silver Premium Badge
M Shehroz Sajjad
From Developer to CTO: Six Years of Evolution. Mitgründer:in
Saqib Ameer
Saqib Ameer
Digital Marketing | Product Marketing | CMO | Lead Generation | Graphic Designing Mitarbeiter:in
Robin Heiler
Robin Heiler
First never follows Mitgründer:in
Robin Steblea
Robin Steblea
A lot of people have luck in their life, but it takes courage to take the opportunity. Mitgründer:in
Adrian Borsoi
Adrian Borsoi
Placeholdrs Founder & CEO, Daydreamer, Curious, Human passionate, Creative Hacker, Thinker & Sweet Heart Mitgründer:in
Nick Papakonstantinou
Nick Papakonstantinou
Nick is an entrepreneurial MBA graduate who combines experience in the capital markets, marketing/research analysis, and project management. A versatile strategist with a strong passion for start-ups and new technologies who aspires to join the venture capital industry when he feels competent enough to make a real difference. He is also a notorious technophile who uses everything that the latest technology has to offer. So far in his young career, he has participated in more than 25 projects ranging from digital marketing to investment banking. His portfolio includes numerous Fortune 500 companies in the US and Europe. Specialties: business planning, corporate strategy, competitive research, branding, benchmarking, KPIs (key performance indicators), marketing strategy, financial analysis, cross-cultural management Developing skills: Customer Analytics, German, Financial Modelling Mitgründer:in Mentor:in
Henriette Humprecht
Henriette Humprecht
Early stage startup management & product design Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Arpit Arora
Arpit Arora
"Hardwork, willpower and dedication. For a person with these qualities, the sky is the limit." Mitgründer:in
Anadeel H. Rahman
Anadeel H. Rahman
Being hungry, being foolish! Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Stefan Weynfeldt
Stefan Weynfeldt
Es kommt weniger darauf an, was Du machst, sondern wie Du es machst.
Nick Ganopoulos
Nick Ganopoulos
That sounds cool! Mitgründer:in
Danny Calliari
Danny Calliari
Let's realize ideas! I empower people to develop great products and businesses having a positive impact on this world Mitgründer:in
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