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Fulltime Late Co-Founder als COO
Fulltime Late Co-Founder als COO
Building the future of Wellbeing & New Work for a better performance and a happier life. Mitarbeiter:in
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Searching co-founders for AI company with great ecosystem
Kayrahan Karacan
Kayrahan Karacan
It doesn't matter what you do, but how and why you do. Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Getting it done. Process, structure, product - Yes but definitely people. Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Jonas Nöhl
Jonas Nöhl
Standstill is backwardness. Mitgründer:in
If you do it - do it right.
Mike Davis
Mike Davis
Exploring post-growth business models with tech!
Tamara Fritsch
Tamara Fritsch
Teamwork makes the dream work Mitgründer:in
Mastery through passion and perseverance. Mitgründer:in
Katharina Wolff
Katharina Wolff
Hospitality is a people business Mitgründer:in
Jens Tiedemann
Jens Tiedemann
EX-LIDL, EX-REWE, Food Retail Specialist, CMO, Chief Marketing Officer, Vice President Marketing, Marketing Leader, Food, POS, Retail, FMCG, Go-to-Market, Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Adrian Knöpfler
Adrian Knöpfler
We believe in a culture where people matters most - internally and externally!
Sebastian Friebertshäuser
Sebastian Friebertshäuser
Digitalization & Innovation for People Mitgründer:in
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