Deine Suche nach "Operations" hat folgende Treffer ergeben:

Venture Building & Modeling
Venture Building & Modeling
Business Model Testing, Modeling & Venture Building Consulting & Coaching
Business Operations as a Service
Business Operations as a Service
Interim or permanent business operations management Finanzen & Controlling
Operations & Finance Consulting
Operations & Finance Consulting
All ventures require a strong core of processes and structures connected to operations & finance. Let's discuss how we can help you with it. Consulting & Coaching
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Patrick Gerber
Patrick Gerber
„Alles Große in der Welt geschieht nur, weil einer mehr tut, als er muss.“ (Albert Einstein) Investor:in Mitgründer:in
Abdul Wahab
Abdul Wahab
Project Management | Marketing | Sales | Operations | Lead Generation | Outreach Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live! Mitgründer:in
Kathrin Dick
Kathrin Dick
Machen ist wie wollen, nur krasser Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Ricardo Ferraz Dondoni
Ricardo Ferraz Dondoni
Audentes fortuna iuvat
Christian Orlowski
Christian Orlowski
Phishing for Innovation: Join Our Cyber Security Quest
Tucker Olen
Tucker Olen
You can't take code to the grave, but you can use it to make people lives better.
Jens Deppe
Jens Deppe
Let's co-create a better future - for pet owners and professional service providers. Mitgründer:in
Do it now, not tomorrow
Andy Shackleton
Andy Shackleton
Get *stuff* done! Mitgründer:in
Was du wirklich willst, kannst du auch schaffen. Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Daniel Kazani
Daniel Kazani
1% better every day Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
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